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Posts tagged “sm

►►SM Ent lawsuit day 1: “The way we treat DBSK is not as bad as others”

TVXQ 3 Members “The unfairness of the contract is grave” vs SM “The way we treat TVXQ is not bad compared to other agencies”

Three members of TVXQ (Xiah Junsu, YoungWoong Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun) and SM Entertainment had their first hearing today regarding an objection to the verdict on a contract suspension injunction that was made last year, and were unsuccessful in closing the gap between their conflicting stances.

The legal representatives of the three members of TVXQ and SM met at the Seoul District Courts at 5 p.m. on the 7th to state their stances on the lawsuit made by SM Entertainment regarding an objection to the contract suspension injunction verdict.

This hearing was held after SM filed for the lawsuit on April 12th as an objection to the partial acceptance verdict made by the Courts last year.

At the hearing, SM’s representative stated, “Compared to other agencies in Korea, TVXQ’s income division is not unfair,” and emphasized that TVXQ’s income division was not a pressing issue in the exclusive contract.

The representative also strongly questioned the three members’ action of signing a separate contract with their Japanese agency AVEX although only the contract suspension injunction, not the actual lawsuit, had been partially accepted by the Courts.

On the other hand, the three members’ representative stated, “The length and the income division section of the exclusive contract between SM and TVXQ is so unfair that the situation is very grave.”


►►[Interview] Suju Hangeng’s first appearance after lawsuit: the past & the future

To read more about Super Junior Hangeng’s case and why it was important (..and how bad SM looked..) go HERE.

On the night of March 26th, Han Geng attended the finals of the Migu Show. Since the news breakout of his contract termination last year, he made his first public appearance. This attracted large amount of media and fans, causing chaos at the studio. Before the activity starts, he accepted a short interview from the media. As for the news everyone cared for, the progress of his contract termination case and about his new company, he kept mum about it. He stated that, ‘Now isn’t the time to discuss about this issue’.

Han Geng attended finals of the Migu Show. Since the news breakout of his contract termination last year, it was his first public appearance. This attracted large amount of media and fans, causing chaos at the studio. Before the activity starts, he accepted a short interview from the media. As for the news everyone cared for, the progress of his contract termination case and about his new company, he kept mum about it. He stated that, ‘Now isn’t the time to discuss about this issue’.


►►SM Entertainment stole dance choreography for SHINee?

SM Entertainment gets flamed again…and again…=.=;

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This came rather late but with the technology of today, nothing stays a secret once it’s recorded. Pat Cruz, Shaun Evaristo’s Fellow Movement Lifestyle Choreographer has recently launched a tirade against Korean idol boy group, SHINee for apparently stealing his dance moves. He expressed that the dance cheoreography that SHINee used for their Just Dance performance at the KBS Song Festival last December, were taken from their WOD Pomona video.

His message,

This is interesting. My friend Sam from North Carolina (raise up, take your shirt off, spin it like a helicopter) brought it to my attention. This video is of a Korean boy band doing my disturbia choreography to the song “just dance” by Lady GaGa. This was probably taken from our WOD Pomona video. You can see the actual choreography from that video here (starts at 3min)

This whole thing kind of boggles my mind. How can the “choreographer” take pride in their work knowing it isn’t really theirs? I mean congrats you copied the choreography dead on, but that’s about all you really did. I bet it would have been easier to come up with simple yet affective two steps for these “talented” dancers than taking the time to learn my routine off of youtube anyway. If you like the choreography that much then why not do it to the song it was intended for? There was a lot of thought put into the movements that directly correlated to the actual song. Now the choreography means nothing at all. I mean sure it gets the job done but it’s just movement now. No meaning, no depth, no substance, just movement. From the looks of things they have a pretty big budget so why not just ask me to do something for the artist. I would be more than happy and being that i am not considered a big name i would have probably been cheaper than anyone else.

In the end there is little to no chance at all of me getting compensation let alone any credit for this. It just sucks that those who take the time, effort and hard work to create can go over looked by artist and labels. In the end we are small fish in their pond and as of now there is little we can do about it. Thank God for Movement Lifestyle…


SHINee’s Just Dance:


►►SM Entertainment goes under investigation for unfair contract terms officially!

Korea’s Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) has announced that they are currently investigating all celebrities bound to SM Entertainment regarding unfair contract terms, suggesting that “a second TVXQ scandal” like event may occur.

According to One Nation’s Jo Moon Hwan, it was revealed that KFTC is investigating cases of unfair contract terms in SME idols such as TVXQ (including Junsu, Changmin and Jaejoong who are currently in legal disputes with their management company), SNSD, Super Junior, etc. for a total of 53 SME celebrities.

Jo Moon Hwan stated that the question and answer document received from KFTC specified investigations for all SME affiliated individuals for reasons related to a delay in taking care of TVXQ’s legal case. KFTC expressed,

“Through this event all celebrities in SME will undergo investigations to see if their contract terms go against the law of established fair contract terms, which is why TVXQ’s legal dispute is being delayed.”

Additionally, the commission said regarding TVXQ’s case, “All related documents will be carefully reviewed and considered for an appropriate outcome,” not revealing at what point the case would be over.

As you readers know, SM Entertainment has recently experienced many difficult trials as three members in TVXQ and Super Junior’s Hankyung underwent legal battles for problematic contract terms such as its 13 year length and unfair distribution of album sale profits.


►►SM Entertainment stops distributing music through

aww I wonder what happened..Mnet is like one of the largest online music portals in Korea so this is a big shock that SME would stop distributing music there 😦

Today, MNet announced that they would no longer provide streams or downloads of SM artists on their website. Read the notice for more information….

Hello. This is MNet.

Thank you for everyone who uses, and now we have something to announce about MNet’s music service.

Target Source:
All of SM Entertainment’s songs.

Information on Discontinuation:
– Streaming: The feature of playing the song on our site will be discontinued.
– Download: The feature of downloading the song on our site will be discontinued.
(You can redownload already purchased songs, however).

Start Date:
March 2nd, 2010

Reason for Discontinuation:
– SM Entertainment has chosen to stop the supply of music through MNet, but MNet will continue to talk with SM to resume providing their albums through our site.

-omitted information about refunds-


We deeply apologize for the inconvenience to MNet’s customers, and will try our best for faster service.

Thank you.

Cr: mnet | translations by filmsession @ omona_prection

►►President Lee Soo Man resigns from SM Entertainment; bad news (?) from AVEX

I don’t know if this is really good or bad news. Many people blame “SM” (or more like Lee Soo Man) for messing up with DBSK and whatnot but if you really dig deep (and there are sources out there to explain this complicated problem..), Lee Soo Man is not actually the bad guy…so idk..

Edaily SPN reported that Lee Soo Man will resign from SM Entertainment and that Avex Entertainment has sold off all shares of SM Entertainment.

Apparently, SM is stating that Lee Soo Man is resigning so that SM can focus on investments and business development overseas, however I don’t see the correlation between the two events. Regardless, Lee Soo Man will no longer be engaged in business activities, however he will still remain the major stakeholder, acquiring another 1.5% of shares from Avex, making his total share of SM Entertainment, 28.3%.

In addition, the relationship between SM Entertainment and Avex Entertainment seems to be over, as Avex sold all 15.4% of their shares, with Neowizbugs acquiring the majority of it.

Avex Entertainment used to assist in promotions of SM Entertainment artists within the Japanese market, including TVXQ.

SM Entertainment was founded by Lee Soo Man on February 14, 1995.

So what does this mean for TVXQ? We’re not sure, but seeing that Avex Entertainment has sold all of SM Entertainment’s shares, it doesn’t look like good news.

Cr: allkpop

►►Hwanhee received Bible verses via text from an SM female artist?

I don’t know if this is supposed to mean a good or bad thing lol

On a recent broadcast for Lunar New Year’s special episode of SBS Big Match, ex-Fly to the Sky member Hwanhee revealed that he receives Bible verses via text messages from a member of an idol girl group.

At one point in the show, someone asked Hwanhee directly, “I heard you receive text messages from a member of a girl idol group?” He replied, “She sends me Bible verses.”

The cast members of the show were all curious and asked, “Who is she … are you guys dating?” Surprisingly, Kara’s Goo Haracommented,“I also receive Bible verses from the same person.”

Later on, Hwanhee revealed that the person is from his previous agency, SM Entertaiment, and the cast responded, “It’s one of SNSD or f(x).”

Cr: allkpop

►►G-Dragon’s YG trainee days: “For a whole year, all I did was clean”

After revealed his secret of being a trainee for SM entertainment, G-Dragon talked about why he switched companies and the hardship that followed…

After hearing American hip hop group Wu-Tang Clan and looking for a place to practice freestyle rap, G-Dragon started to befriend the hyungs at People Crew, the new place he discovered.

“This little kid was learning how to rap amongst all these older hyungs, so they all found it fascinating and cute. I appeared on their cable TV program and fooled around, and I also got to participate in the ‘2001 Korea Hip Hop Flex’ album which was a good opportunity.”

Being a 13-year-old young rapper on the album, which gathered people who did Korean hip-hop, was a huge help to GD.

For that album, I wrote all the lyrics myself and recorded it and the hyungs said ‘it’s good.’ But I hadn’t ever been abroad so my English skills were poor, so the content was pretty typical. ‘I’m young but I’m the greatest’, you know, lyrics like that. (laugh)”

G-Dragon participated in the title track and wrote his own solo song…this album was really the kid’s opportunity to let himself be known to the world. Young artists started to debut; in America Lil’ Bow Wow became popular, and in Korea Ryang Hyun Ryang Ha and BoA came out. YG Entertainment’s head Yang Hyun Suk didn’t just ignore this kid rapper.

Jinusean’s Sean apparently saw me and told Yang Hyun Suk manager about me. Main producer Perry also took a liking to me, and said he would try producing for me. When I first went to see Yang Hyun Suk I was nervous, thinking ‘Finally, I am meeting him.’ Back in the Seotaiji days, he had been my favorite. He had good fashion sense with his short-sleeve t-shirts and gloves, and he danced the best. But the first time I met him my impression of him completely shattered. He came walking from afar, dragging his slippers and saying in his peculiar accent, ‘You’re here?’ He didn’t seem like the Seotaiji Yang Hyun Suk, more like a neighborhood uncle.”


►►DBSK’s disbanding news from Japanese press is NOT true!

Japanese press reports on TVXQ officially disbanding have shocked many fans.

On the 1st, Sports Nippon reported that “Korean band TVXQ is disbanding at the height of their popularity”. It also reported that the relationship between SM and Jaechunsu has soured and it is impossble for the two to reconcilliate. They’ve now gone into discussions to disband the group.

This news hit the main page of Yahoo Japan’s entertainment news, showing TVXQ’s great popularity in Japan. TVXQ attended the 60th NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassen on the 31st

Sports Nippon reported that although TVXQ stood on stage together that day, the relationship between the 3 members and the other 2 didn’t seem good; and although they share the same dressing room, they go back to Korea on different flights.

It also claimed that the single to be released on the 27th will be their last single and they’ll release a best collection album on the 17th next month.

SM Entertainment’s reponse to the report was “Those are groundless rumours’ ‘We didn’t start any procedures for an official disbandment’ A representative said “We haven’t decided on our future plans for TVXQ”

Source: Yahoo! Korea
Translated by: sparkskey @ omona_prection

►►Hankyung’s Contract Termination lawsuit Trial begins January 8th

I really don’t know what to say *crosses fingers & hoping for the best*

Recently, SJ leader ((TN: They mean the leader of Super Junior-M, as usual)) Hangeng’s contract termination request with SM Entertainment has caused great turmoil after being disclosed by the media. As Hangeng’s representative lawyer Lee disclosed recently, Hangeng has already turned in a “Suspension of Contract Agreement” request and a “Contract Termination” request to court. The trials will begin January 8th in Korea. To stop SM Entertainment from using delaying tactics, Hangeng has especially requested a “Suspension of Contract Agreement”. If the agreement is approved by court, Hangeng will be freed no earlier than March of next year.

Translated Source: twelfs
Original text: HERE

►►SM denies using Hangkyung for publicity; SJ Beijing Concert will still be held

WTF?! “57% of the fans who voted to support Hangeng leaving and becoming a solo, while 24% wishes he would not leave SJ.” Get in your right minds people! Remember the whole “Forever 13” or something like that? 😦

Super Junior’s Chinese member, Hangeng’s request of the termination of his contract has caused an uproar. There have been rumors that SM entertainment is using Hangeng to cause a publicity stunt for the Beijing concert and also that Hangeng may not be attending the concert. Due to these rumors, Net Ease Music Channel on the 29th has had an exclusive interview with the representative for the Beijing concert. The representative claims that everything has been going as planned and has not received any news about Hangeng not attending the concert.

Earlier, Korean group Super Junior-M (known as SJ-M)’s leader Hangeng sued SM Entertainment, to terminate his contract because of the unfair terms. Therefore it has been concluded that Hangeng will not be participating in any SJ-M’s schedule this year. According to Korean news site, Newsen, 57% of the fans who voted, support Hangeng leaving and becoming a solo, while 24% wishes he would not leave SJ. The soon to begin Beijing concert is in a nerve wrecking situation as it is in the preparing stage. The representative has reported: “Everything is fine, the hotel, airplane tickets, the concert tools are all being prepared on schedule.” When asked about the tickets for the concert, the representative also responded with a smile of confidence and that everything is fine.

About the rumor SM entertainment is using Hangeng for the Beijing concert next year, the representative responded saying “This is not true, the tickets are already sold out, so there would be no need to do such thing. Even so, there is no need to pull such a low publicity stunt, if Hangeng quits SJ, in the future, if he continues being an idol, this will affect his image.”

When the reporter asked the representative, “If Hangeng was to be absent for the concert would a lawsuit be filed against him?” The representative said, “We did not think about this because everything has been going on as planned.” The concert will be presented on time for the fans.

Original text : HERE
Translated by
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▶▶DBSK’s Chinese fanclub takes legal action against SM Entertainment

SM is srsly in deep sh*t right now…with Hankyung on the line, now it’s DBSK again..

It has been confirmed that Chinese fans are planning to take legal action against SM Entertainment and the Chinese sponsoring company for the cancellation of the Shenzhen ‘TVXQ Thrid Asia Tour-MIROTIC’ concert that was to be held on November 21st.

A representative of Chinese TVXQ fansite Baidu BAR said in an e-mail interview that, “We were severely hurt by this event,” and “We could have understood if the concert had been canceled for reasons beyond anyone’s control, but we cannot sit idly by and let these deceptive tricks go,” and stated that they are receiving legal counsel for this case.

The representative highlighted the forged note of confirmation from the members to state that they would participate in the concert and said, “This case includes fraud. This is the thing that we find hardest to accept,” and “We are beginning to take legal action against SM Entertainment and the Chinese sponsor company by asking for Perpetuation of Evidence and other actions.”

They stated, “The Shenzhen concert was set by SM and the Chinese sponsor company without consultation after the three members handed in their provisional disposition request so it was an unfair to the members of TVXQ.”

Regarding the forged signatures, the Chinese fans showed their disappointment by saying, “In the end, SM did not give us a proper answer.” They also directly criticized SM by saying, “They do no respect their singers, hurt their fans and use media play in their favor. Therefore, we will no longer cry to understand or trust such a company.”

They said, “We are fans who support TVXQ and we hope that this cancellation of the concert does not affect the members in a bad way,” and “We will not let the company put all the blame on the members of TVXQ.” They also showed their unwavering support by saying, “We are Chinese fans who grew with TVXQ for six years and we believe in them.” They also stressed that, “We hope that this concert does not put any more stress on the members who are already strained from the legal dispute.”

They also said, “We hope that people, like the media, do not get fooled by rumors and partial explanations that switches black and white and make the wrong assumptions. We hope that they judge this event thinking of what is the real problem of this whole situation.” They also said, “We hope that the public loves them and keeps a fair and understanding eye on them.”

The Chinese fans also said, “We are not strong, and we lack experience but we will unite and let the truth be revealed.”

Source: [ohmynews]
Translation credits: jeeelim5 @ [info]tohosomnia
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►►SM to face heavy compensation if Hankyung misses an upcoming concert

More Super Junior-M drama…SM can face up to a ‘7-digit’ compensation amount. Now that’s a lot of moolah 😦

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During Hunan TV New Year Eve Concert last year, Chen Chusheng’s silent departure became the biggest storm of 2009 created by an artist. Hunan TV’s 2010 New Year Eve Concert in Shenzhen next week may yet again face the “missing gate” embarassment. This concert’s heavy-weight guest performer SJ-M member Hankyung is in the mist of terminating his contract with his management company. Recently, after Hunan TV communicated with the management company, the other party expressed that the problem is not big. But the reporter was told that the possibility of Hankyung making the trip is silm.

Hankyung’s management company claims no problem

The New Year Eve (Concert) sponsor is also unable to find Hankyung, can only contact the management company. It is revealed that at the moment the answer Hankyung’s management company gave is that SJ-M attending should not be a problem. According to this optimistic estimation, the direction group’s arrangement for Hankyung and co is: SJ-M takes a plane to Shenzhen, to reach the airport at around 10 in the morning that day, rehearsals at 11am at the venue. The direction group is looking at Li Yuchun and Hankyung to perform together at midnight.

Industry analyzed Hankyung’s trip as slim

If Hankyung doesn’t come, will Hunan TV New Year Eve Concert accept a “depleted” SJ-M? One of the staff at the direction group expressed that SJ-M has always appear as a group, and leader Hankyung is the core (of the group). “The New Year emphasizes on reunion, if Hankyung is not there, we are not able to accept.” As both parties have already signed the performance contract, if SJ-M cannot appear at the last minute, SJ-M’s management firm would face a compensation. In accordance with the general practice of breach of contract, the indemnity is double (of the agreed amount). If things turns out so, SJ-M’s management company will face a 7-digit payment claim.

Source: Xiao Xiang Morning News


►►SM’s official statement regarding Hankyung and SNSD

I find it suspicious how SM avoided the SNSD rumor but not about how they disregarded Hankyung’s health issue all this time :/

SM Entertainment has been plagued with scandal after scandal this year.

With the recent report from claiming that SNSD members were a main factor for Hankyung wanting to leave Super Junior, SM Entertainment has released an official statement that the report was completely fabricated.

On the 27th, SM Entertainment stated:

“The reports regarding SNSD are completely false. It’s extremely disappointing and upsetting that such a report would surface between the members of our own family.”

In regards to Hankyung’s absence on the December 26th year end MBC Music Core special:

“Hankyung is currently in China, most likely it will be difficult for him to attend year end shows.”

Cr: allkpop

►►DBSK members were being forced NOT to communicate with each other?

Last time I heard, SM was a music producer, not a spy 😡


Though all of the members are at the backstage, a screen was used to separate them. To forbid interactions, staffs would be them to monitor each of the members. It was said that they were even unable to communicate with each other. At both of the Best Hit and FNS Music Festival held on November 26 and December 20 respectively, we were able to saw all of the members performing live on stage. However, they (TVXQ) were later said to be giving each other cold shoulders. However if the above stated was true (that they were having bad relationship), they wouldn’t be talking with each other even if a screen wasn’t there! It however shows that the strong bond between members still exists and thus, barriers were needed so to prevent communication.

Despite the on-going lawsuit, the members arrived in Japan on Mid – December for the PV’s filming of their upcoming single – Break Out – said to be released on 2010. Similar to previous situation, a 3 – 2 formation was formed. 3 members stayed in hotel and flights scheduled that were different from the other 2 members. The atmosphere while filming the PV on December 15 and 16 was thus oddly tense.

Why? Apart from TVXQ’s managers, there were also staffs from Koreans who arrived specifically to observe the members while filming. Not only did this occur when filming, they were also watched while taking break. This is a harsh and major blow for members whom once mentioned that they hope to perform as a group.

Max Chang Min seems to be having a silent protest as he rarely spoke. Sam-san who direct for this PV, is the dance instructor and big brother for TVXQ too. While not working, SAM – san and the members would go for a drink and too and hopefully, they (TVXQ) are able to pour their sorrows and feelings to him. It must be difficult for them all to be working in a tense atmosphere.

It is a difficult period for members and their fans now. The lawyer of the 3 members also expressed that the 3 members were extremely apologetic that they had made their fans upset.

It wasn’t an easy decision for members to postpone the BIGEAST MEETING – one that they had been waiting eagerly – Xiah Jun Su also delayed the musical that he would be starring in so as to attend the meeting.

Fans hope that though they might not be in the current management company in the future, they (TVXQ) would be able to sing and perform on stage – as one.


►►Deeper Inspection: The unfortunate story behind Mnet and SM Entertainment

This is quite insightful (aka it’s quite long). But it explains the “Then & Now” – what really is the dispute between two big companies in the Korean music industry: Mnet & SM Entertainment. I’ll highlight a few things here and there so you won’t get confused or bored 😉

The reason you want to read it? Because of the previously article posted about how SM is angry at Mnet for bringing 3 members of DBSK (JaeChunSu) to receive the award they won at Mnet’s Asian Music Awards event.

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What exactly is Mnet?

Mnet is a media company owned by CJ Media which focuses on music, media, entertainment and web content business. CJ Media is a part of CJ, a South Korean conglomerate that is one of the top five largest companies in the country. Mnet is involved in pretty much every aspect of the entertainment industry, ranging from album production, distribution, sales, management, television broadcasting, online media and many other businesses. With these expansion, Mnet has become a giant in music industry, with market share of 44% in album sales and over 20% in online music sales.

Mnet and CJ are also shareholders in major entertainment companies DSP Entertainment and YG Entertainment. Although they own no more than 20% of shares from each company, the fact that CJ is a conglomerate means the aforementioned companies are now affiliates of CJ. Smaller entertainment companies with famous names such as Shinwha, Kim Dong Ryul and Wheesung are “affiliates” of CJ as well. Similarly, 30% of JYP Entertainment is held by SK, another conglomerate that is one of top 5 largest companies in Korea, making JYP a faction with as much support as Mnet has.

How has SME and Mnet’s relationship developed over the years?

Before 2008, SME and Mnet were quite friendly. MKMF, now known as MAMA, featured numerous artists from SME which were given many awards. However, during 2008, Mnet proposed to SME that they would like to be the distributor of music produced by SME; in return, Mnet would receive certain percentage of profit from the sales. Mnet had already been distributing music of JYP, DSP and YG, and with the right to distribute SME’s music they would become undisputed leader in the industry. SME refused the offer as they had the ability to distribute their own music and did not feel the need to pay Mnet for a job that they could do themselves. Mnet undoubtedly held a grudge against SME for obstructing their dominance of the industry, and the friendship ended there.


►►BoA’s 7th album is cancelled for the time being

It has been less than two weeks since it has been reported that BoA will be involved in producing her 7th album. However, it seems like it will be difficult to listen to any tracks from her 7th album anytime soon.

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Fans all over the world are puzzled and shocked by e-mails from CDJapan, one of the many Japanese retailers of her upcoming album.

The e-mail reads:

“Dear XX,

I’m sending you this email to let you know that we just received an update
from the Avex informing us that the release of the CD below will be
cancelled, unfortunately.

Release Date: 2010/01/13
Catalog Number: AVCD-23970

No details about the reason for cancellation has been provided.

At this time, there is no indication to show whether or not it might be
released at a later time in the future.

Therefore, it needed to be cancelled from your order **************.

Please write back to this email in case our assistance is needed.

Thank you so much for shopping at CDJapan.


According to the e-mail, BoA’s 7th Japanese album has been cancelled without even an indication of its release on a later date. Does this mean that we may never hear tracks BoA, herself, co-produced?

SM Entertainment seriously needs to make a come back. First, the TVXQ controversy, and now the cancellation of BoA’s album? Maybe this rumored boy-band will mark SM’s comeback into the limelight.

Cr: allkpop

►►SME is mad at Mnet for bringing Jaechunsu as reps for DBSK’s award

I wonder why the other two members weren’t invited? I think it’s partly Mnet’s fault but SM is also making a big deal out of this =.=;

The inaugural MAMA awards might have been over just recently, with the TVXQ trio of Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu making an appearance and receiving the “Best Representative for Asia” award on behalf of TVXQ.

But in a interview with SM Entertainment right after the MAMA was concluded, a representative said that they had no right to do so:

The trio had no right to receive the award on behalf of TVXQ. The awards organizer should give the award to a liason on behalf of SM Entertainment instead. This is unacceptable since they had only invited the 3 members.”

In response, a MNET representative stated:

“We invited all 5 TVXQ members to the MAMA awards ceremony beforehand. But only the trio responded to our request while the other two did not. We don’t see any problems with the trio receiving the award on behalf of the whole group.”

And the divide between both camps grows even wider after this.

Cr: allkpop

►►SME faked DBSK’s signatures to proceed with Shenzhen concert

Oh the things they do to their so-called ‘slaves’…this is outrageous!

It has been previously reported on TVXQ’s Shenzhen concert being cancelled due to legal complications between Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsoo and SM Entertainment.

SME claimed that the three members agreed to this concert back in 2008, implying that the three backed out of their promise with SME and the fans; however, the legal counsel of the three member are claiming that signatures the three members made in the contract for the concert have been signed by someone other than the three members themselves.

The legal counsel says that they have acquired the hand-written statement of a person who claims to have signed the contract without consent of the three members. Apparently in the music industry, when artists are busy the company usually just notifies them of their future schedule and then signs related document for the artists.

Most of the time, this custom is accepted without any complaints from the artist but it has become a trouble because the three members are not in good terms with SME. Legal counsel argues that they were not informed of concert in Shenzen and found out about it during the course of preparation for lawsuit.

Cr: allkpop

►►[VID] Rookie Watch: SM’s newest project group Nadia

The video starts off with a girl and a guy introducing and talking but when the music starts, there is only one girl singing and two guys playing instruments…I’m guessing it’s going to be a co-ed group but I’m not so sure. The girl singer has a really nice ballad voice. They covered KARA’s song “Mister”, but in a ballad version…which I happen to find interesting and a lot more soothing/jazzy and the KARA’s dance version.

I guess SM is finally looking out for real talents after all 😛

►►Still no response DBSK members even when the deadline is up :(


Dong Bang Shin Ki trio Hero JaeJoong, Micky YooChun and Xiah JunSu did not respond to the deadline which SM Entertainment gave them on 2nd November.

SM Entertainment revealed on 12th November, “Until 6pm, they did not give us an answer.”

And about what will happen after this since the 3 have not given an answer, the SM representative said that they are not in the position to say anything yet. But they will be coming up with an official stand again.

During a press conference held on 2nd November, SM Entertainment gave the trio a deadline till 12th November to respond if they have plans for album release as part of Dong Bang Shin Ki early next year.

But the 3 have not given an answer by the deadline. And when asked if it will lead to disbanding of the group, the representative said, “It has not been mentioned to us yet the steps which will follow from here.”

It seems that this fight between the trio and the company will last longer than we have expected it to be.

Cr: sookyeong

►►JYP answers questions about YG, SM, and SNSD vs. Wonder Girls

YG Entertainment and SM Entertainment seems to be the two main rivalry against JYPE on the music scene right now, but it turns out they may just be friends after all 🙂

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On last night’s Golden Fishery, JYP not only talked about his thoughts on Jaebeom; he also revealed how he feels about his competitors from the “Big 3,” SM Entertainment and YG Entertainment.

When MC Kang Ho Dong asked the Wonder Girls “Did you girls go overseas to America because of SNSD / Girls’ Generation?” They answered: “We wouldn’t have lasted if we thought that we needed to beat someone. We wanted to get 100 out of 100 no matter what, not merely get a higher mark than someone else.”

Kang then asked JYP, “What are your thoughts on SNSD?” To which he answered, “They’re so sweet and pretty but I love Wonder Girls so much that other girl groups just mean nothing to me.”

On Lee Soo Man, the man behind powerful SM Entertainment, he said, “He is always a motivation for me. When I have questions, I call and ask him – he tells me everything about advancing to other markets such as Japan and China and stuff. Still, I really want to beat him though.” He revealed that he is close with Yang Hyun Suk of YG Entertainment as well, saying, “They’re fair people. They wouldn’t hide something from me if I asked them.”

While praising his competitors he also showed his own pride, saying, “If they are to take their artists to States, they would have to ask me about it.”

Cr: allkpop

►►3 DBSK members JaeChunSu plan to work on their own & not responding to SME

This makes it sounds like they’re breaking themselves from the company or something >.< but if there’s one thing I know, breaking up DBSK is like impossible due to all the Cassies out keep faith!

The three members of TVXQ who have taken legal action against SM Entertainment are planning to work by themselves, according to their legal counsel.

When Sports Seoul asked the three members’ legal counsel about SME demanding the three members to make a decision by the 12th, they were told:

The three members are taking a break at the moment and are planning new projects. We do not plan on responding to SME’s press conference. SME was ordered by the court to submit relevant evidences and they have been ignoring this order for almost 3 months now and they also have not been following any other court orders. Conversations with SME will start when they start respecting the court’s decision. The court said that the three members may work on their own, so we do not need SME’s permission on that. We are also seriously considering making criminal accusations against SME.

Cr: Nate + allkpop

►►SM to remake DBSK’s contract and possibly other SM artists’ too

So technically, DBSK may or may not win the lawsuit BUT they won a new contract! Which is exactly what they need, I think 😉

SM Entertainment CEO’s Kim Young Min, who is involved in the ‘unfair contract’ dispute with his artistes, has recently announced a new contract policy, and that it will be put into action once it gets approved by the related authorities.

SM Entertainment Representative, Kim Young Min, who attended the press conference which was held on the 2nd of November 2009 at 63 Tower, has expressed, “We would collect all comments from music and entertainment industries, related government departments, cultural and tourism board, fair trade departments, educational circles and legislative bodies, based on the law to adjudicate a new contract policy. After the approval from the respective authorities, we would then put it into action. Then follow it (new contract policy) enthusiastically.”

Kim agreed, “If we are able to come out with a new exclusive contract policy based on the law, SM would like to re-contract with all current artistes based on it.”

Kim also expressed, “Under the new exclusive contract, the moment it’s signed it would be protected till the contract ended, if not the current situation would repeat over and over again in the future.”

“In order to prove that what have just I said is nothing but the truth, we would first like to take the advice from the impartial committee,” he said.

But, everyone was not able to fully believe this announcement by SM Entertainment. Professor Lee from Korea Art University stated, “If SM do not wish to have what they have just said to turned into nothing, then they should assure them.” He continued, “Based on what SM have said, they do not wish to fully take on the advice from the impartial committee, but to forcefully come out with a new contract policy, which was questionable (their announcement).” Professor Lee ended, “If SM was really sincere about this, they should work on the new contract based on the advice and not vice versa, and then to get it approved by the representative authorities.”

Source: OhmyNews + OhMicky
Translation: sshutingg @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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